A leafy (foliose) lichen that is pollution tolerant and found throughout much of the world.
Parmelia sulcata
The yellow coating on the bark is not a lichen, but an algae.
Trentepohlia sp.
Parmotrema perlatum
Punctelia subrudecta s. str.
The yellow lichen in this photo is Xanthoria parietina
Ramalina fastigiata
Ramalina fastigiata
Melanohalea exasperata
Lecanora chlarotera
Hypogymnia tubulosa
Punctelia jeckeri
Punctelia jeckeri (detail)
Hypogymnia tubulosa
Baeomyces rufus, the brown beret lichen
Baeomyces rufus detail showing "brown berets" or apothecia (bowl-shaped fruiting bodies)
Parmelia saxatilis, also known as the salted shield lichen or crottle
Ramalina fraxinea, the cartilage lichen
Acarospora fuscata
The centre lichen is unidentified
The lichen at bottom centre of the photo is Rhizocarpon reductum
Rhizocarpon reductum
Lecanora muralis sometimes known as the chewing gum lichen
Lecanora muralis (detail)
Psilolechia lucida
Psilolechia lucida (detail)
The yellow lichen in this photo is Xanthoria parietina. The grey lichen is Physcia tenella.
Xanthoria parietina (detail)